What is X-BOW Ship?

 What is X-BOW Ship? 

The X-BOW (and later, the X-STERN) is one of ULSTEIN's main contributions to maritime history. X-BOW vessels are being built at shipyards on many continents. Currently, more than 100 vessels with this bow concept are being constructed or in operational work around the world.

The X-BOW introduces the gentle displacer; a tapered fore ship shape with a different volume distribution as well as sectional angles, resulting in a wave piercing effect at small wave heights, and also reduces pitching and bow impact loads in bigger seas. When comparing fore ship volumes with more conventional, bulbous bow shapes, the X-BOW has more displacement volume starting from the waterline.

While a traditional bow vessel rises on the waves and then drops violently onto the surface of the water, an X-BOW vessel, less subject to the vertical motions induced by the waves, continues on course more smoothly, while maintaining its speed. And because it uses less fuel to get through the waves, it also helps to save energy.

X BOW Ships
