Bilge System

Bilge System

Bilge System - valves in engine room


Purpose of Bilge System

·       Remove water from engine room or any compartment other than tank.
·       Dimensioning acc. Class rules.
·       Cleaning oily bilge water before discharge to sea.
·       Engine room emergency draining with largest, often S.W. cooling pump.

Location of Bilge System

·       Pipeline through all ship.
·       2 pumps in engine room, valves in pipe tunnel or engine room.
·       Special requirements on passenger ship (extra pumps).

Main components of Bilge System

Piston pump, centrifugal pump, bilge water separator, tank. (Ballast water or General Service pump is often utilized as spare bilge pump).

 Design problems of Bilge System

Occasional  suction  problems. Pipeline arrangement in confined aft ship.

Operation problems of Bilge System

Frequent  alarms from too small bilge wells. Bilge water separator cannot handle  e.g. detergents.

Bilge and Ballast Systems Location

Bilge and Ballast Systems Location
